
Origin: Peru

Soon, our 3 little girls and William, their guardian angel, will embark on the final chapter of their Freedom Flight from Peru. 
Operation Tres Peru Perras is in motion and to say that we are anxiously awaiting their arrival is an understatement. 
We can never express our gratitude and love for Edith and how she has cared for our babies and kept them safe. 
And for William, our hero, who stepped in to help bring the home!
We are filled with emotions right now. Nervous, excited, elated!
We just want time to fly by so we can greet them with open arms tomorrow.
This mission is extreme and costly. 
It has set NAFAF back $4000+
but we could not let the opportunity pass by. We made a promise to them to make their lives better, and we will stick to our vow. 
To help offset the costs of this rescue mission, please visit the link in our bio, Venmo @nearandfaraf or

We need your prayers, love and positive vibes right about now!
OLIVIA, NALA and ANISE are so close to their dreams coming true. Our flight volunteer William has selflessly traveled thousands of miles to bring our girls home. 
Organizing our Peru pups’ travel has been a suspense filled nail-biter. With the CDC travel ban inching closer, the logistics of finding a volunteer, Covid testing within the allotted time frame both here in the states and then again once in Peru, and receiving the results in time for travel again, has been, to simply put it...stressful!
As you could imagine, this is an extremely costly undertaking! It begins with Edith’s travel costs to and from the vet for the health certificates, the veterinary costs, including microchip, kennel and carrier purchases, and of course our dogs’ flight costs and volunteer traveler’s flights and hotel costs! 
This is an extremely stressful but also very exciting time for us, as we feel the gravity of being so close now to changing these three lives for the better FOREVER! 

Please send prayers and good vibes for our fearless William and sweet Nala, Anise and Olivia.
Stay tuned…

Operation Très Peru Perras

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Donation Total: $20.00 One Time