
Origin: NYC

Over one month ago Meatball came into our lives. We were all broken from losing Spaghetti and he gave us hope. We did not get the fairytale ending we dreamed of but Meatball did secure this rescue family that Spaghetti started. 
Our hope this Christmas is that Meatball and Spaghetti are both happy and chubby running over that rainbow. We know they are surrounded by angels and they will never be alone again. 
Until we meet again…

He is only 31 pounds! We are still grieving the loss of Spaghetti and this case is hitting us hard. But Meatball came to us with a deeper purpose. Spaghetti has unfinished business and we as a family will see to it to fulfill his mission.
As we wait for preliminary bloodwork and test results, we do know that he has tested negative for parvovirus.
He has pressure sores, his nails are long and his body is filthy.
We really don’t know how to feel. Of course, we hope he has no underlying medical issues, but then that would mean he was intentionally starved and the suffering inflicted was deliberate.
Regardless, we fight together to get Meatball healthy so he has the opportunity of a future.
We know we ask for support and times are tough for most but if you can please help to save Meatball.

Preliminary bloodwork reveals NOTHING! Meaning zero viruses, disease or obstruction! We are looking at another STARVATION situation!
His fecal results show he has been ingesting acorns and coccidia. He has been foraging to satisfy his hunger pains.
Again- refeeding syndrome is a threat and introducing food is a calculated treatment.
We pray he got to us soon enough to give him the best chance at beating his nightmare.
Metabolic bloodwork will be run daily to follow how he will trend and his treatment will adjust accordingly.
Besides the great team at BSAH, we are in consultation with specialists from UPenn also.
Meatball will be hospitalized for at least 2-3 weeks. Please consider donating to his care.
His first 24 hours =$1500+. if you can help us help Meatball, please donate today.