
5 Peru Perros Freedom Flight Sponsor

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Donation Total: $20.00 One Time

Urgent Appeal: Time is Running Out

to Save 5 Rescued Dogs!

Since July 2021, we’ve faced an uphill battle. The CDC’s ban on importing dogs has prevented us from bringing many of the dogs we’ve rescued in Peru to safety in the U.S. Thanks to your unwavering support, we’ve managed to keep these brave souls fed, sheltered, and cared for as they wait for their forever homes. But now, their time is running out.

Since the devastating ban was put in place, rescuers abroad have been overwhelmed with heartache and hardship trying to save lives and the NAFAF community has supported the hundreds of rescued animals' medical treatment and daily care for years. Now, although the CDC ban has been lifted, harsh regulations remain. We have a rare and precious opportunity to bring five of these resilient, rescued dogs to the U.S., where they can begin the new life we promised them. 

Despite this potential good news, there’s a downside. We are on a strict “red tape” timeline. If we cannot get them here by August 31st, the cost of their journey will double!

We **ARE** able to help these five dogs now—but the window is closing fast. If we don’t complete their journey by August 31, the costs will double, and the chances of getting these dogs to safety will drastically diminish.

This trip is about more than just these five dogs. When they leave, it clears space for five more that we’ll continue to care for. Their journey started with your help, and we’d like to see it finished on American soil—with us, and eventually in loving homes like the rest of our rescue family.

We must act now before any other changes to the current CDC Import Regulations take effect, making it even harder to save these dogs. This isn’t just about these five dogs. By helping us bring them home, you’re ensuring that we can continue to rescue and save so many more in the future. Every success story paves the way for the next.

Meet Our Brave Rescues: 

**Basto** - Left to fend for himself on the harsh streets, Basto endured severe disfigurement from TVT cancer, malnutrition, and anemia caused by Ehrlichia. The cancer that devoured his nasal cavity was cured only because of your generous support. His recovery is nothing short of miraculous, and now, Basto is strong enough to travel. But without your help to cover his transport costs, he may never find his forever family.

**Selene** - Rescued from a life of unthinkable neglect, Selene has fought against all odds. Her tiny, malnourished body led her rescuer to mistake her for a rodent as she scavenged for food behind a factory. But as Selene drew closer, it became clear she was a brave pup in desperate need of help. Now, she’s ready for her forever home—but if we don’t act now, her journey may end here.

**Killary** - After enduring a heartless and deliberate abandonment, Killary has come so far. As a puppy, she was found trapped in a 55-gallon water cistern in a known dumping ground for animals. Left to die, with no hope of escape, she was saved by your kindness. But to finally set paws on U.S. soil and start a new life, she needs your continued support—before it’s too late.

**Waffle** - Victim of a hit-and-run, Waffle’s story is one of survival against all odds. Once injured and covered in scabies, Waffle’s body has grown stronger and healthier through sheer determination and care. But the clock is ticking, and without urgent help, he may never know the love and safety of a forever home.

**Manzana** - Sweet little Manzana was rescued from a terrifying situation, chased by a pack of male dogs. Though she was whisked away to safety, the relentless pursuit by the pack was a reminder of the dangers she faces in a world where sterilization is misunderstood. If we don’t bring her to safety soon, her chances of finding peace and love in a forever home will slip away.

**Why We Need Your Help—Now More Than Ever:**

Because of your past support, we’ve been able to provide the care these dogs needed to survive. But now, we call upon you, our steadfast partners, to help NAFAF bring these five dogs the fairytale ending they deserve.

The current import permit we’ve secured is only valid until August 31, 2024. This gives us a brief window to fulfill our promise, but the costs are immense. From medical clearances, microchips, vaccines, and additional titer testing at specific laboratories to airplane transportation, customs broker fees, and mandatory revaccinations upon arrival—every step requires funding. We need your help to bring Basto, Selene, Killary, Waffle, and Manzana to the U.S., where they can finally experience the love and care they deserve.

Donate Today—Before It’s Too Late:

🔗 Link to help OR

Venmo @nearandfaraf OR


Your generosity will directly fund the costs of bringing Basto, Selene, Killary, Waffle, and Manzana home. Please, let’s not let them down. The clock is ticking, and their future depends on us. Thank you in advance, as always, for your continued support and compassion.

The clock is ticking, and their future depends on us.

Thank you for your support!